Design for Growth: Twelve Steps for Adult Children by Veronica Ray
Design for Growth: Twelve Steps for Adult Children by Veronica Ray Timmy Cham 's review Jul 22, 2020 · edit really liked it How can the 12 Steps benefit adult children of alcoholics (ACOAs)? Veronica Ray offers this book to show "how various people have learned to identify their adult child problems and how the 12 Steps have helped them to a better life" (page 3). Each chapter contains a brief discussion of the Step, followed by a case study or two about a person's specific application of the Step to their own lives. In this review, I'll focus on Ray's discussion of the first three steps. Step 1: Admitted we were powerless...that our lives had become unmanageable Ray rightly observes that most people get caught up on pronouncing themselves powerless , so she explains, specifically, what kind of "power" Step One says we're surrendering. After all, there's nothing wrong with saying we have the power to cho...